Bonhoeffer, Carmichael, Liddell, & Teresa.
Our House system is a distinct part of the Heritage culture which provides opportunities for upper school students to build community, nurture relationships, grow and serve together, as well as play and pray together. High school students join a House upon entering Heritage. Our Houses are named after exceptional men and women of faith – Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Amy Carmichael, Eric Liddell, and Mother Teresa. Through our House program, students are able to build community, deepen friendships, compete against one another in friendly games and contests, partner to serve our community, and enrich the social and spiritual life of our school.
- Community building
- Leadership
- Service learning
- Participation in social events
- Competitions for points
- Mentoring opportunities
- Interaction with the wider community
Discover below the distinctive characteristics between these houses, their values, and their leadership mottos below.
Developing Servant Leaders at Heritage
High school students have the opportunity to serve in leadership positions inside and outside the classroom. Students are able to apply for leadership positions within the House system to speak on behalf of their classmates and peers, organize events, and influence the culture of the student body. Some of the leadership positions include House Representative, Shepherd, Steward, or Prefect. House Prefects are the conduit between students and administration. All high school students have the opportunity to lead service learning projects, organize social events, and mentor younger students. The Nehemiah Fellowship, a leadership skills development program, is available to juniors and seniors.
Bonhoeffer House
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer
- Unitas in Deo, pax in perturbante
“Unity in God, peace in the disturbing”
- Green (Hope and joy)
- Blue (Truth and loyalty)
Crest Symbol
- A cross (The Christian faith)
- Sitting wolves (Courage and guardianship)
- Crescent moons (Serenity and peace)
Carmichael House
- Amy Carmichael
- Nihil amandi nisi dandi.
“There is no love unless there is giving.”
- Silver (Truth, innocence, purity, sincerity,
and peace)
Purple (Justice and temperance)
Crest Symbol
- Stag (Purity, peace, and healing)
- An olive wreath (Peace and harmony)
- A cross (The Christian faith)
Liddell House
- Eric Lidell
- Curremus et non deficiemus
“Let us run and not grow weary”
- Red (Nobility and courage)
- Gold (Generosity)
Crest Symbol
- A lion (Strength and courage)
- An open book (Learning God’s word)
- A medal with a cross (Victory in Christ)
- Lightning bolts (Swiftness and power)
Teresa House
- Saint Teresa of Calcutta
- Fidelis amor in parvis rebus
“Faithful love in small things”
- White (Peace and serenity)
- Blue (Truth and loyalty)
Crest Symbol
- An anchor (Hope)
- A lamb (Faith, innocence, gentleness, purity and resolute spirit)
- A heart (Goodness and sincerity)
- A cross (the Christian faith)
Student Leadership Opportunities
Within each House, students can apply for various leadership positions
House Shepherds
House Representatives
Founders Hall Stewards
Programs & Fellowships
Student leaders can also participate in the following: