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Dedicated to the Mission of the School

Heritage education’s richness is partially rooted in the generosity of parents, grandparents, faculty/staff, and friends—all of whom are passionately devoted to the school’s mission. The future of our school depends on the generosity of the Heritage community as we strive to maintain and grow.

We understand that charitable giving is a personal choice, and we humbly ask you to consider including Heritage in your giving plans.

The Heritage Fund

The backbone of all independent school fundraising is annual giving. Heritage is no different. It is the most important element of
financial support, making up the difference between tuition revenue and the actual operating expenses of the school. Gifts to the
Heritage Fund are unrestricted funds that immediately benefit the school, going toward such needs as faculty compensation,
training, and classroom supplies.

Each year, the school asks every member of the Heritage community—parents, grandparents, faculty, staff, and friends—to consider a gift to The Heritage Fund. Without this support, tuition would necessarily rise to a level that might exclude many families who want their children to benefit from the classical, Christ-centered education they receive at Heritage.

The Heritage Fund corresponds to the school’s fiscal year, August 1 – July 31.
All gifts and pledges are due by June 30 of each year.

Partner With Us

Charitable Giving

The richness of a Heritage education is based in part upon the generosity of parents, grandparents, faculty/staff, and friends who are all dedicated to the mission of the school. We rely upon the generosity of the Heritage community to maintain the school and prepare for the future. We are aware that charitable giving is a personal decision and pray that you will consider Heritage when planning your giving.

Planned Giving

You can support Heritage Preparatory School through your will or estate plan. Gifts made through your will or living trust can provide considerable future tax benefits, which allow more of your assets to pass to those you care about. For more information, please contact President Matt Skinner.


Any cash gifts to Heritage, whether by check or credit card, are tax deductible for the full amount of the gift as allowed by law. Cash gifts can be made as a one-time gift or may be paid in installments.

Marketable Securities

A gift of appreciated securities that have been held for more than one year is frequently the most tax-wise way to give.  You will be eligible to make a federal income tax deduction equal to the fair market value on the date of the gift for up to 30 percent of your adjusted gross income without having to recognize the appreciation as capital gain. For detailed information about transferring securities to Heritage, please call the school office at (404) 815-7711.

Matching Gifts

Many companies offer programs that match gifts to Heritage made by their employees, directors, employee’s spouses, or retirees. Contact your Human Resources department to find out if your employer will match your gift.

If making your gift online, please send along the matching gift form separately by mail. Please include your name and address and how you would like Heritage to credit your gift.

Other Assets

Gifts to Heritage can come in other forms as well.  For example, you may wish to consider a gift of tangible personal property (if it is related to Heritage’s educational programs) or irrevocable insurance policies.  A gift of any of these assets will entitle you to an income tax deduction equal to the fair market value of the asset on the date of the gift.  You may take this deduction for up to 30 percent of your annual income with a carryover of any excess for up to five additional years.  Gifts that fall into this category will be reviewed by the administration.

GA Private School Tax Credit

Many members of the Heritage community have redirected their state tax dollars to Heritage Preparatory School since the Georgia Private School Tax Credit was enacted in 2008. Through the efforts of those who have participated, over $550,000 has been raised for financial aid since the program began. This opportunity has also provided those individuals, S-Corporations, LLCs and partnerships with both a state tax credit and a federal tax deduction.

To ensure that you are able to participate, please click here to apply today for the Georgia Private School Tax credit program for 2024 (tax year 2023). All completed applications will be submitted by Apogee to the Department of Revenue on the first business day of January. Payment will not be due until March 2024.

To learn more about the Georgia Private School Tax Credit program and the Apogee Georgia School Choice Scholarship Fund, please click here to watch a brief video, click here for a program overview, click here for FAQ, or review the answers to some of the most commonly asked questions below. If you have additional questions, please contact John Panessa or Matt Skinner.

Thank you in advance for your continued commitment and support of Heritage Preparatory School through this beneficial tax credit program. The funds that you can help raise will allow students who might not have otherwise been able to attend Heritage, to receive the excellent, Christ-centered, classical education that we offer.

Heritage Cup Challenge

Join us for the 19th Annual Heritage Cup Challenge, taking place on Monday, April 7, 2025, at the exclusive Peachtree Golf Club. The club, co-designed by Bobby Jones and Robert Trent Jones, Sr., stands as one of the top-rated golf courses in Georgia and across the U.S. The Tournament format will be “play your own ball”, with awards for both team and individual performance.


The Heritage Cup Challenge entry is available for both Singles ($1,600) and Foursomes ($6,000). All participants will receive a luxury tee gift and a contest pack, including raffle and mulligan tickets, a “Par 3 Poker” card, and entry into the Putting Contest.


Sponsorship opportunities are also available, including Title Sponsor, Beverage Station Sponsor, and Hole Sponsor. This is a fantastic opportunity to promote your business while contributing to a worthy cause.

The day will begin with the range opening at 9 a.m. and a breakfast bar, followed by a shotgun start at 10 a.m. A gourmet lunch box will be provided for all participants, with a cocktail reception to close out the event. Proceeds from the Heritage Cup Challenge will provide crucial non-tuition revenue for Heritage Preparatory School, bridging the gap between operating costs and tuition fees.

To register, please visit the Heritage Cup Challenge website. For more information, please contact Helen Garner at Here’s to a day of great golf and even greater purpose.

ONE Heritage Capital Campaign

The ONE Heritage Capital Campaign is a pivotal effort to expand our campus and accommodate our growing community, ensuring that every student at Heritage has the space and resources to continue to develop into men and women who embody the Portrait of a Graduate. As we steward our growth and pursue more mission-aligned families to join in what God is doing at Heritage Preparatory School, we invite you to prayerfully consider investing in this exciting chapter in the life of our school.

Mr. Matt Skinner would love the opportunity to meet with every Heritage family. Whether you attended the campus vision meetings or were unable to join us, He has opened up his calendar with numerous hours over the next few months to continue the discussion about the ONE Heritage Campaign. Your investment in this campaign will not only impact today’s students and families, but will also impact future generations of families who are seeking to raise their children who think with excellence, believe with confidence, and live with character.

Please click the button below to find a 30-minute slot that aligns with your calendar.

Find a Meeting Time

Ways to Give

You are welcome to make your gift through four paths:

  • Mail or drop off a check to HPS
    • Check: PO Box (Heritage Preparatory School, P.O. Box 8391, Atlanta, GA 31106) and notate that it is for “ONE Heritage”
  • Stock: Email Nikia Martin with the details
  • Online: click here
  • Pledge: Contact Matt Skinner ( or Glenna Rhoden ( directly
    • *Pledges may be paid through June 30, 2026